We sell ladder anti-slip stoppers, ladder protection, inspection tags and Waku accessories.
When a ladder is to be leant against round posts or poles such as telegraph poles, the Balato Belting Pole Hoop is the perfect solution. (Note this is fitted during ladder production as the top rung is replaced by the balato belting - see below for further information).Note: This belt replaces* the top rung of the ladder. Availability: Manufactured to order
The Clow Footee Ladder Stopper is a purpose made Ladder Stopper with spikes designed for use on timber decking and grass, to provide a firm footing for at a ladder's base. Availability: In-Stock.
Just one of the accessories available for the Waku Multi Function Ladder is the Waku Ladder Extension Leg. This can be used to provide variable height adjustment on an individual ladder leg allowing the ladder to be used as a lean-to ladder on a slope or stairway. Availability: limited stocks
The V Shaped Ladder Stand Off Bracket fits most extension or combination ladders to give greater space when working on guttering or windowsills.Specially designed to fit round corners and over down pipes for safer working, the stand-off allows additional arm room making safe access for maintenance.Availability: In-Stock
Self Adhesive Clow Inspection Tags provide a simple visual check of an item of equipment's last inspection date and next due inspection date. The high tack adhesive backing of these tags ensure they remain glued to the ladders, steps and towers. Pack of 50, supplied as individuals tags, dimensions 156mm x 50mm. Availability: in-Stock.
The Clow Ladder Stand Off Bracket is designed to safely hold the ladder off from the wall to avoid obstructions such as pipework, cabling, guttering or other similar obstacle. The Stand Off Bracket also spreads the ladder load placing less pressure on the supporting surface. Availability: In-Stock.
Replacement Ridge Hook and Wheels for the Clow Aluminium Roof Ladder. Availability: In-Stock.
Self Adhesive Clow Inspection Tags provide a simple visual check of an item of equipment's last inspection date and next due inspection date. The high tack adhesive backing of these tags ensure they remain glued to the ladders, steps and towers. Pack of 10, supplied as individuals tags, dimensions 156mm x 50mm. Availability: In-Stock.
The Ladder Stopper is designed to provide extra grip, even in the wet, and prevent back-slip when using a ladder. Available in 18" and 24" Please note the 18" is suitable only for single and dual section ladders, the 24" is suitable for single, dual and triple section ladders. Availability: In-Stock
Fits to extension ladders for a safe and effective roof ladder. Availability: In-Stock.
High quality Rubber Studded Rocker Ladder Feet with a rubber studded surface to prevent slippage and provide a secure grip into the ground. Designed to fit as an external fitting to most Aluminium, Timber and Glassfibre Ladders and Steps. Priced per pair. Availability: In-Stock.
The Clow Security Rope complete with Jamming Cleat is designed for use as an adjustable strap to support an extension ladder in an extended position. Availability: Out of stock (3-5 weeks).